Bad style day today?

This morning on the commuter train, I saw a guy in a suit (black with light brown pin-stripes) wearing light brown shoes (would be ok as it kinda matches) and a black belt (that combination is now definitely NOT ok anymore), but he was carrying a Louis Vuitton laptop bag. Surely a case of too much money, not enough style!
And then, just 15 mins. later at one of my favorite Starbucks…. a guy, wearing a light pink short-sleeved shirt, a tie (sorta matching), a tiepin (weren’t they coming out of fashion in the 80s?), and jeans! I was so disgusted that I didn’t check out the rest! What’s up today – is it bad style day today? Or what did I miss??

One Response to “Bad style day today?”
  1. Style Police says:

    The Style Police need to get active here! You are right with the first guy – he’s proof that money cannot buy style. Jeans with business shirt & tie is OK if long-sleeved but short-sleeves & tie are always a NO-GO!

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